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Thursday, May 14, 2009

[26-April-2009] Kelana Park / NiuZeXui

It was 26-Apr-09…haha… kinda lazy lately… anyway it was another Sunday, this time I planned it at the evening instead of early in the morning… as people nowadays are becoming more lazy and lazy…. muahaha.

I just got my camera and after test shot with Rachel Wong, i found out that the photo are out of focus... but the show must go on anyway so i didn't push the date off; I drop off my camera at Nikon for calibration the next day and they broke my filter... but they replaced a pro digital filter for me at the end. :P but... that's another story...

We got Minna, Angelyn, Rachel, and Amanda for this time’s shooting and we started off our shooting at Kelana Jaya Park… my group started with Minna first. After shooting for less than 30 minutes the SKY started to cry…. However coming prepared with Plan B, we changed our location to NZX and stormed into Full house and continued our session.

Just a note… the bed is broken so don’t try to go on top of it to take photo. :P Full House was kind enough to let us shoot around freely despite our people in numbers… keke (I used “was” so whoever that wanna do that in future, good luck).

Photo as follow... in very veli random order....

but... i going to start off with group photo... & the light was yellowish at FH, i didn't adjust the WB purposely. la la la.

JY and myself gonna stop organizing group session for a moment, too tired. Going more on private session now. :)


  1. hahaha... stop 4 group session due to too tired pulak... icccccccccccc

  2. Woah, you do lots of modeling shots. Good work =D Here for the first time! Sup!
